Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don't have a CRM system?

Perfect! CRM Ghostwriter manages your contact information and keeps track of the details so you can focus on the business relationship. No new logins, passwords or websites to keep track of.

Who owns the contact data?

You own the data and all information related to the contact. 

Is CRM Ghostwriter a coaching program?

No. CRM Ghostwriter offers contact data management service and direct mailing subscriptions. While the data management service with CRM Ghostwriter suggests the contacts to engage with, the method of engagement (print, text, email, phone call or face-to-face) is up to you and your marketing plan.

How am I billed?

CRM Ghostwriter is a subscription service which bills monthly. A payment source, such as a credit card, is required to be on file to activate the subscription. 

How  do I get started?

Click here to enter your information and we will connect with you.

About us

CRM Ghostwriter removes the hassle of CRM systems and delivers handwritten cards to your clients on your behalf.